Pangani FM

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29 March 2022, 6:04 pm

DRC kujiunga rasmi na Jumuiya ya Afrika Mashariki

Hatimaye miezi mitatu baada ya Mkutano wa 18 wa wakuu wa nchi za jumuiya ya Afrika Mashariki kuridhia ombi la Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Congo kujiunga na jumuiya hiyo, baada ya kujiridhisha na kuona zipo faida za moja kwa moja…

28 March 2022, 4:14 pm

Jela miaka 20 kwa kuwadhalilisha kingono watoto Pangani.

Mahakama ya wilaya Pangani imemhukumu kifungo cha miaka 20 jela Sideti Itekno baada ya  kupatikana na shataka la  kufanya udhalilishaji  wa kingono. Katika hati ya mashtaka iliyowasilishwa na polisi mahakamani hapo ilidaiwa kuwa mnamo tarehe 7 mwezi wa 2 mwaka…

23 February 2022, 8:05 pm

Tembo ahisiwa kuua mtu Pangani

Mwanaume mmoja anayefahamika kwa jina Shaa Omari mwenye umri wa miaka 30 amekutwa akiwa  amefariki katika eneo la Kumba Mtoni lililopo wilayani Pangai Mkoani Tanga. Pangani FM imezungumza na kamanda wa Polisi wilaya ya Pangani bwana Cristopher Msofe ambaye amethibitisha…

22 February 2022, 7:13 pm

Majeruhi ajali ya Saadani wapokelewa Pangani.

Mganga Mfawidhi wa Hospitali ya Wilaya ya Pangani Mkoani Tanga Dkt. HASSANI MSAFIRI amesema Majeruhi Wawili katika Ajali iliyotokea Jana maeneo ya SAADANI wamepewa Rufaa ya kwenda Hospitali ya Mkoa BOMBO na wengine bado wanaendelea kupatiwa Matibabu Hospitalini hapo. Akizungumza…

19 February 2022, 3:50 pm

OCD Pangani atoa onyo kwa wamiliki wa majahazi.

Wamiliki na manahodha wa majahazi ya mizigo wilayani Pangani Mkoani Tanga wametakiwa kuzingatia sheria ya Usafirishaji kwa kuacha kubeba abiria katika vyombo vya mizigo. Hapo jana Mkuu wa Jeshi la Polisi wilayani Pangani Mkoani Tanga alifika katika studio za Pangani…

19 February 2022, 3:41 pm

Shirika la UZIKWASA lililopo Mjini Pangani leo limehitimisha Mafunzo yake ya Uongozi wa Mguso kwa Wanandoa yaliyodumu kwa Siku tatu. Hii leo ikiwa ni Siku ya Tatu na ya Mwisho ya Mafunzo hayo, baadhi ya wanandoa waliopatiwa mafunzo hayo mbali…

17 December 2021, 6:45 pm

Viongozi wa Redio Jamii wajengewa uwezo Pangani.

Mafunzo ya kujitathimini kwa Wadau, Waandishi wa Habari na Viongozi wa Radio za Kijamii Nchini yafikia tamati hii leo. Washiriki wa Mafunzo hayo yaliyoratibiwa na Shirika la Uzikwasa kwa Siku tatu mfululizo hapa Wilayani Pangani Mkoani Tanga, wameyataja Mafunzo hayo…

16 November 2021, 1:34 pm

Tozo za miamala kujenga Kituo cha Afya cha Madanga.

Halmashauri ya Wilaya ya Pangani imepokea kiasi cha fedha Shilingi Milioni 250 kutoka katika mgao wa fedha zotokanazo na tozo za miamala ya simu. Akizungumza na Pangani FM Mkurugenzi wa Hlamshauri ya Wilaya ya Pangani Bw. Isaya Mbenje amesema kuwa…

16 November 2021, 1:11 pm

Pangani kutumia Milioni 35 kuwalinda Wanafuzi dhidi ya Uviko-19.

Halamshauri ya wilaya ya Pangani inajipanga kutumia kiasi cha fedha Shilingi Milioni 35 kujenga miundombinu ya kuwezesha wanafunzi kunawa mikono katika shuleni kama hatua ya ujikinga na maambukizi ya Virusi vya Corona. Katika mazungumzo aliyofanya na Pangani FM Mkurugenzi wa…


Comprising a Pangani cultural diversity of the radio reach a population of 2,045,205 ranging from community members to of 33 villages of Pangani district from small business entrepreneurs, local government representatives and neighboring districts of Muheza, Tanga Town, Korogwe, Handeni, Lushoto, Amani and some parts of Zanzibar.


Pangani district is a place where people enjoy good health and sociol economic well being and are empowered to utilise the benefits of their culture.


To be committed to a development process that facilitates the Pangani communities towards promotion and ownership of their development agenda through participatory program approaches and collaborations with partners.

“Facilitator for development approaches that listen to people and engage them to find solutions for themselves”

Through participatory approaches and engaging potential stakeholders, Pangani FM ensures balanced content over its 7-days 18-hours each day, Pangani FM broadcast schedule engages in participative dialogue on key social issues with community leaders, and the community at large provides a wide range of edutainment programs such as banjabeat, a popular Tulizana program focusing on the family, intimate partners issues; youth-participation forums; educational, community health, and cultural programs; sports coverage, and the opportunity for all to interact on air with current issues affecting themselves, their families and communities towards development and growth.


Pangani FM radio platform plays a major role of making sure UZIKWASA’s
interventions are shared with the entire community and engage them in active social-dialogue.
The radio facilitates and informs communities about success and challenges in their lives and mobilizes them to take charge of their own development.
Through participatory approaches and strategically live broadcasting of community events and through interactive radio programs such advantageous manner which results to;

Empower community to take charge of their own development using local resources and promote good leadership.
Sharing the learning from intervention approaches that build self-awareness.

Empower community to take charge of their own development using local resources and promote good leadership.
Sharing the learning from intervention approaches that build self-awareness.
Pangani FM facilitates reflective leadership to foster change in contributing to a growing movement of transformation beyond Pangani District.