FM Manyara

Recent posts

5 September 2024, 7:06 pm

Polisi kufanya uchunguzi kifo cha dereva wa Mtei express

Kutokana na kifo cha dereva  wa basi la Mtei express Iddi Salehe kupigwa hadi kuuwawa na dereva  wa lori, jeshi hilo limesema linaendelea na uchuguzi wa kifo hicho ili mtuhumiwa afikishwe mahakamani. Na Mzidalfa Zaid Jeshi la polisi mkoani Manyara…

5 September 2024, 6:40 pm

Twange akabidhi ofisi kwa DC mpya

Baada ya Aliyekuwa mkuu wa wilaya ya Babati Lazaro Twange kukabidhi ofisi kwa mkuu mpya wa wilaya ya Babati ,amezishukuru taasisi zote zilizopo chini ya ofisi hiyo kwa kumuonyesha ushirikiano katika utendaji wa kazi wakati wote alipoKuwa akifanyakazi katika wilaya…

2 September 2024, 5:49 pm

Zaidi ya watoto elfu kumi wenye miguu kifundo wapatiwa matibabu

Kambi ya siku tano ya matibabu imeanza leo katika  kata za Galapo na Qash kwa ufadhili wa shirika la So they can, kwa kutibu magonjwa mbali mbali ikiwemp kutibu watoto wenye changamoto ya miguu kifundo. Na Marino Kawishe  Zaidi ya…

31 August 2024, 7:21 pm

Ajali yauwa wanne Manyara

Wanafunzi watatu na dereva mmoja wamefariki katika ajali iliyotokea wilayani Babati mkoani Manyara. Na Mzidalfa Zaid Watu wanne wamepoteza maisha wakiwemo Wanafunzi watatu na Dereva mmoja katika ajali iliyohusisha Coaster na gari la mizigo aina ya Scania katika eneo la…

31 August 2024, 7:16 pm

Jeshi latoa tuzo Kwa bilionea Mulokozi

Taasisi ya kijeshi ya command and staff college imetoa tuzo kwa Mkurugenzi mtendaji wa kampuni ya Mati super brands ltd David Mulokozi kutokana mchango mkubwa aliounyesha katika taasisi hiyo. Na Mzidalfa Zaid Mkurugenzi mtendaji wa kampuni ya Mati super brands…

26 August 2024, 7:45 pm

Zoezi la uboreshaji wa daftari la kudumu kufanyika Manyara

Tume huru ya taifa ya uchaguzi imewataka wadau mbali kuhamasisha jamii kujiandikisha kwenye daftri la kudumu la mpiga kura. Na Mzidalfa Zaid Wadau wa uchaguzi wa uboreshaji wa daftari la kudumu la wapiga kura mkoani Manyara wametakiwa kuielimisha jamii kuacha…

23 August 2024, 5:53 pm

Wakulima watakiwa kuuza mazao stakabadhi ghalani

Wakulima mkoani Manyara wametakiwa kuacha tabia ya kuuza mazao kwa walanguzi. Na Mzidalfa Zaid Wananchi  mkoani Manyara wametakiwa kujiunga na kusajiliwa kwenye vyama vya ushirika ili kunufaika na fursa mbalimbali zinazotolewa na vyama hivyo ili wafanye kazi zao za kuuza…

22 August 2024, 4:37 pm

Mwigulu asema serikali inaboresha mazingira bora ya elimu

Waziri wa fedha na mipango Mwigulu Nchemba ameweka jiwe la msingi la ujenzi wa chuo cha uhasibu Arusha kamapasi ya Babati Na Mzidalfa Zaid Waziri wa fedha na mipango Mwigulu Nchemba  amesema uwepo wa chuo cha uhasibu Arusha kampasi ya…

21 August 2024, 5:49 pm

Mita za maji kuhakikiwa Manyara

Wakala wa vipimo mkoa wa Manyara wanatarajia kuanza msako wa kukagua mita za maji ili kubaini kama zinafanya kazi vizuri. Na Mzidalfa Zaid Wananchi mkoani Manyara  wametakiwa  kutoa taarifa  kwenye ofisi ya wakala wa vipimo ili zihakikiwe kama ziko sahihi…

20 August 2024, 4:29 pm

Madhara yatokanayo na matumizi ya dawa za kulevya yatajwa

Mamlaka ya kudhibiti na kupambana na dawa za kulevya Kanda ya Kaskazini yawataka vijana kuacha kutumia dawa za kulevya . Na Mzidalfa Zaid Vijana  mkoani Manyara na Kanda ya Kaskazini kwa ujumla, wametakiwa kuacha kutumia dawa za kulevya kwa kuwa…

About FM Manyara

FM Manyara Radio was founded in 2018 located in Babati district, Manyara region. FM
Manyara 92.3 Radio we are committed to innovation to bring the best radio and broadcasting
services in the region and around the country.

Manyara 92.3 FM Radio is a radio station broadcasting a mixed format consisting of news,
sports, music and a variety of talk programs both being aired within 24 hours. It is strategically
located in Babati Town, Manyara –one of the fastest-growing towns in Tanzania.
The station commenced test transmission on 02nd of December 2018 and was granted a
district broadcasting license from Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA). Since
test transmission of the radio, the station has gained more support and acceptance from the
listeners around the district.

We provide and promote business through the following
 Live programs that enable customer to air his/her products or services and get direct
feedback from our audience
 Airing spot adverts.
 Airing presenter mentions
Any other live public events as suggested by the customer
The commercial activities on the radio began officially in 2019 and through this short period of
commercializing the media we have succeeded in working with different organizations and
institutions both governmental and nongovernmental, This creates a sense of trustworthiness not
only to ourselves but also to our partners.

FM Manyara 92.3 Radio has an average radius of 120 kilometers, and the station has
planned to complete a geographical expansion programme that will extend the radio signal to
the entire Northern zone and parts of Central Tanzania which will mean approximate listeners
of well over 2 to 3 million. Also, FM Manyara 92.3 Radio will widen the listeners to other areas
that we have not reached in terms of frequency coverage and modulation and use online
platform and our station will be tuned wherever in the world. We expect to have listeners from
far Asia in countries like Japan and South Korea / and far West in the United States of America and

The 92.3 FM Manyara Radio vision statement is ‘to be an industry leader with national and
International brand recognition builds around the cohesive team of passionate, creative and
inspired Individuals who love what they do, empowering our clients to reach their goals. Our
the team is innovative and forward-thinking while remaining conscious of the needs of today, and
being a financially strong, growth-oriented company enables us to provide stability for our most
valuable assets; our people and our clients.

The 92.3 FM Manyara Radio mission statement is ‘To empower and inspire motivated business
and entrepreneurs to discover and fulfill their dreams and adventures’ In terms of
programming, FM Manyara 92.3 Radio is a public interest station –combining education,
information, news, and entertainment. The station’s focus is on the interplay of issues
concerning the community; its history and the social, cultural, and economic activities and
endeavors of the people. Apart from providing essential information, the station’s programmes
incorporate the ‘how to do’ approach providing guidance, and offering tips and hints to listeners on
different subjects.